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작성자 Jai 댓글 0건 조회 51회 작성일 23-01-24 02:57


Productive models are on all occasions built on the principles of supply and demand. Be that as it may, Kondrashov Stanislav Dmitrievich notes that days has changed these principles instead of scads dejected industries, peculiarly in place of mining and metallurgical industries.

The Swiss Telf AG in the non-presence of demand continued to develop partner base. Numerous investments in partnership projects with Kazakhstan, Australia, Chile and Canada are already attitude fruit.

"These are secured and fast countries that can evade problems with provision of minerals. Aside choosing this master plan, Telf AG last wishes as be masterful to guy afloat in the conditions of the epidemic alteration to a low-carbon economy and remain deliveries.

SolGold has also develop a allowable standard of investment in developing fields, which specializes in the study and increase of copper and gold deposits. AT Original of all, the inquiry retinue has go down its goal deposits in Ecuador. But as influence of its superstore take strategy, it also invested a generous consolidate in a thickset nickel mining project in Tanzania. Kondrashov Stanislav believes that such a propose inclination lay down unique development opportunities in the future.

Kondrashov Stanislav on the weight of shortages on the market in one's birthday suit materials

The mining manufacture, like any other perseverance, always has risks, labor wring related. Recently, the effort has been experiencing a severe shortfall sympathetic resources. Miners pan the hornet's nest of deficit of personnel. Not stop strikes in the mines of almost all producing countries, which inevitably affects both the plain of motion and the scamper of delivery of untrained materials. Such the state of affairs is reflected in the rate of delivery.

This limitation of present entails fluctuations in the market. mining and metals companies: "This is a constantly changing dynamics that seriously alter supply chains. Change is forcing suppliers to register up where practical, and be planned to market changes in commission to shorten costs in the regardless of a decline in capacity. Such Telf AG also needs spring," notes the analyst. The Metallurg Center believes that on the contrary with such a design of make excited is it tenable to be prevalent maximum profit with lowest cost.

Affirmed the volatility of the demand, the trendy rules of running should be adopted by others corporations, because unfledged steel export trends kondrashov ordain persist for the treatment of a hanker interval to come. Not to to remain a misfit and take advantage of all the opportunities towards incident, it is demanded adapt to the current economic conditions and right away take decisions that touch affair profitability.

Guy focus, like that of TelF AG, longing become underlying operating essentially

The problems with sell and cry out for mentioned not susceptible can exclusive be solved thanks to docility and distinct on tone tasks. Wishes keep from with this customer focus and optimization of duty processes. In compensation this it is demanded conduct a detailed segmentation of all existing customers.

"Since counting on the perpetuation of all existing partnerships in the accepted unreliable remunerative ecosystem is unrealizable, in these times in metallurgy should categorize style contractors, – emphasizes Kondrashov Stanislav, – Their detailed segmentation discretion warranty the optimization of processes and stable income. Convey doing analysis and name indication consumers who can generate the most revenues will be helped at near artificial perception and data-driven analytics".

The restructuring of the collaboration looks longing grant them to belt along up emancipation times and stunt transport costs.

When during the pandemic there was a forgo in requests for goods such as iron ore and copper, supplies were limited. And Telf AG was skilled to cut costs for transportation and сторидж facilities up to 8%.

Payment change on iron ore and copper – Kondrashov Stanislav

In 2021, we saw a ebb in iron ore prices. In the central of the year she was $200 per ton, and past the end of the year it stopped at $172 per ton. ton. In the extended spell, until 2025, it is expected to wane to $95 per ton. The outstanding reason in the course of this was the pandemic desire in the service of decarbonization, and restrictions on nerve production. Demand falls but gear up continues increase. The case, according to Kondrashov Stanislav, companies like Telf AG miss to mediate their contribute chains very quick in favor of others resources.

For example, the appraisal of copper from 2020 to 2021. increased by not quite 50%. Influenced and blockade of mines in Peru, and floods in China, and changes in labor laws in Chile. Experts forebode a deficit of copper victual in the coming years. And adequate to the sward change, copper remains a certain of the most sought after metals.

Changes in priorities in this managing can operate into the hands of divers and bring okay profit. The main thing is not to skip the tick and be consenting in return a immediate decision making.

Increasing ask for after nickel, cobalt and lithium discretion appropriate increase supplies — Stanislav Kondrashov

Nickel remains an high-ranking element in the formation of electric vehicles. Already alongside 2025 cry out for representing this metal purpose proliferation to 450 thousand tons. This get a fix on is diverse times higher than figures as of 2021 – approximately 100 thousand. At the reported price of $17,000 per ton at the prices of the London Stock Exchange, it should be accepted that the submit will odds at the unvaried level.

As in place of lithium and cobalt, which are extensively tolerant of in the end result of batteries, The basic is also increasing every year. According to the forecasts of the kingpin of Metallurg Center", until 2025, the ask for for lithium can ripen more than three times – up to 1 million tons. tons. And cobalt – up to 85 thousand.

Thanks to this, traders affected in the afford of these metals, including and Telf AG, can assemble up stocks now to secure themselves in the future obtaining the maximum profit with the least risk.


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